Welcome to Sharon Baptist Church where we are "Ordinary People Serving an Extra Ordinary God!" We would love for you to join us for Sunday Worship, Wednesday Prayer or Thursday Bible Study. You will be sure to experience God's presence in a fresh and personal way. Our prayer is that this visit will serve as a tool to assist you in discovering the abundant treasures found within our loving church family.
If you are new to the area and looking for a church home, or seeking to discover the will of God and His purpose for your life, or simply a visitor looking for a friendly place to worship, Sharon extends a most cordial invitation to you!
Rev. Conway Johnson, Jr.
War Room Wednesday
Morning Prayer Call6:30am
Evening Prayer Call6:30pm
Dial 401.347.0005
Access Code 286948#
Thursday Night Teaching 7:00pm
Zoom ID 811 1156 5976
Dail-In 646.588.8656
Code 8460669
Joining Sharon Baptist Church is like spending special time with an extended, loving family. I've heard Pastor Johnson say this more than a few times and I truly believe it…when you come to Sharon Baptist Church, you're home.
We love our Sharon Baptist Church family. We can't wait to worship with them again. God planted us here many years ago and we continue to grow spiritually together.
I have worked on many Auxiliaries, and it has given me so much joy to work with my church doing God's work. May God continue to bless our Pastor to do greater work for the kingdom.
Sharon Baptist Church is and will always be my church home. From Vacation Bible School to Junior Usher Board my experiences will always be remembered. This was where I was Baptized and saved and where I started my connection with God.
The spirit of the Lord is truly here.
A Loving and Caring Church Family.