To begin your walk with God, you must first believe and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. Individuals may accept the invitation to join Sharon Baptist Church by three ways;
During the in person worship experience by walking to the front of the sanctuary when the Pastor "extends an invitation".
You may call the church at 732-846-0669 and choose option #5 and leave a message and a SBC team member will return your call.
Complete the "Becoming a Member Form" and a SBC team member will connect with you.
You will meet with a Deacon and Deaconess who will pray the Prayer of Salvation with you, collect your information and provide you with details on the next steps.
Once you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you may start the process to become a member of SBC. Candidates for membership must attend S.T.E.P.S. New Members/Converts Orientation prior to receiving the Right Hand of Fellowship. The class is held each month and provides a broad overview of life at SBC including:
The vision of our Pastor and mission of the church
What it means to be a Disciple at SBC
The history of our church
The Baptist denomination
The principles and power of tithing
Prayer and Bible study
The session concludes with a tour of the church.
Sharon Baptist Church typically performs the rite of baptism on the first Sunday of each month.
You will receive additional information on the baptism process at Orientation.
Right Hand of Fellowship
The Right Hand of Fellowship is typically extended on the first Sunday.
Candidates who have completed the New Member/Convert Orientation and have been baptized, at either Sharon Baptist Church or another church, are eligible to receive the Right Hand of Fellowship.
All new members will receive a church membership certificate, membership identification number and will be connected to a smaller group known as a "Tribe" to connect on a more personal level.
Connect Wth a Ministry
Ministries are the heart and hands of our church! We need our members to work in fellowship to serve the Lord through volunteering to help our church and community. Please visit our Ministries page for more information about joining a SBC ministry.